Sunday, September 18, 2011

Boulevard of Broken Dreams

The days got longer and the sun and moon seem to glow more.  Every once in awhile we'll talk about him and we rarely end with out tissues getting passed around.

We all write down our own personal memories that haunt us in our sleep because we all fear they will be forgotten if we don't.
I run to remember.  I remember how I use to only have a to do list.  I went threw the motions.  Then, life happened. 

Cancer; wish we had more time.

I remember my dream to play at the next level, but it failed.  I remember my dream of him walking me down the isle.  I remember the dream of being happy all together, but I awoke from that dream that Sunday morning in September.

I didn't stop to smell the roses anymore.  In my eyes, everything was hazy.

When "plan A" failed, I turned to B
Or C D through a different perspective.  Failing is an essential part of learning in life.  Humility will find you on your weakest day.  It found me while was laying hopelessly on my couch after surgery.  Everyone was hyped up about the holidays, and going ice skating and making igloos.  I couldn't even stand on my own feet.  I had nothing to fall back on, but that's when you loose yourself, then you find yourself.

Some people noticed a spring in my step.  I just told em it was swag.

So I created new dreams.  I didn't replace them but I build upon them.  I made them better.  A dream that fails is not a loyal dream.  A loyal dream is one that you never give up on, and it never gives up on you.  The difference  my dream and your dream is my dreams lights a fire within me.  They tell me to never settle.


  1. I've been in that situation. I'm there again now. Thank you

  2. This was really deep! Its great that you can share this through writing, thanks!

  3. You bounce around between a few serious topics here. You did your own thing on this assignment and I like it. Some of the lines just make me stop in my tracks.

    Every once in awhile we'll talk about him
    Cancer; wish we had more time.
    I run to remember.
    I awoke from that dream that Sunday morning in September.

    And there are more. Each line has the potential for a longer, more in-depth piece. Well done.
