Sunday, December 11, 2011

This is for the Cinderalla’s, the Rudy’s, and the 6th man that get over looked. 
This ones for the winner that is too determined to be defeated.
Find A Way

This is for the walking wounded, for the numb that can’t feel the missed mended  holes within them. 
This is for the weeping widows and widowers in the waiting rooms of hospitals.  For the surgeons that did not save a life today. 
Find A Way
This is for the weary.  The ones that give up, so they become the mail man or the garbage man.  This is for the kid that wakes up crying from a bad dream and mom’s not their to sing a lullaby. 

This is to the kid shootin in the rain.

This ones for the middle aged men still running from their problems because pops never taught them how to solve them.  This ones for the ones that walk without being led. 
                                                                          Find A Way
This is for the girl that got a perfect childhood, but her best friend didn’t.  Or the girl that misses out on Daddy Daughter Dates. 

This is to the boy tryin on his brother’s football pads, flexing in the mirror.  This is to the fathers that take a day off of work and go fly fishin with their sons.  This is for Sophie Barton.  And how she made life so beautiful. 

This is to the man on the moon. 

If he can do it, then why can’t you?  

And this one, this ones for me, because I deserve it.  And so do you.

Sunday, December 4, 2011

Keep Me Where The Light Is

Reminders.  That's all they are.  Reminding me that  I keep forgetting to stop biting my lower lip.  Reminding me that my hands are stubby, but I like them because they are just like his.  Reminding me that everything I'm not, may be everything I am. 

The sticky notes on the mirrors reminding us to pay the bills, the letters that are filled with his messy penmanship reminding us that he has already built a legacy to follow, and the pictures on the walls reminding me how happy we were.

And the reminder that you are simply on vacation. 

I keep forgetting to buy my plane ticket to come see you. 

I keep forgetting that I only have enough time to ask you one question.  And that would be when will we own ourselves completely?

Then I'm reminded that I need more quarters to slide in the payphone.  Which brings me to spending all my money on shoes because I keep forgetting that they make me happy for now. I keep forgetting to put my money to use, like keeping the lights on.  Then I'm reminded that you never liked them on anyways, and I always keep forgetting to turn them off like you asked me to. 

I keep forgetting to eat our mid-night snack of celery and peanut butter, I guess I keep forgetting to look for you in the stands, and I keep forgetting to give my brothers a chance to become like you, and I keep forgetting to make you proud. 

And tonight, tonight is not the last time I'll see the light.